Jul 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
This article answers the popular question, what are castle nuts on a trailer axle? What is a castle nut? Axle castle nuts are used to keep your trailer wheel hub firmly in place. These nuts are designed to be used with a split pin to ensure it does not become loose...
Jul 5, 2023 | Uncategorized
This Q&A answers the popular question: Are axles supposed to bend? Do bent axles need replaced? Why are your axles bent? Have you ever noticed that trailer axles appear bent? What is the right amount of bend of an axle? What is the bend of an axle called? This...
Jul 3, 2023 | Uncategorized
This article talks through the trailer axle wheel hub & gives you all the details you want to know. This article is a 4 part series that dives into all of the key components of a trailer axle. While a trailer axle may seem relatively simple, an axle is made up of...
Jul 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
This article answers the popular question: What is my trailer axle’s weight capacity? The load capacity, ‘weight rating’, or your trailer axle’s weight capacity should be listed on the trailer VIN plate or sticker that lists the VIN number. The axle may...
Jun 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
This article answers the popular question, When should you use your hazard lights or emergency flashers on your trailer? Hazard lights, often called emergency flashers, emergency lights, and hazard flashers, come equipped on every vehicle. Hazard warning lights are...
Jun 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
This guide answers the popular question: Are drum brakes a thing of the past? Our content theme this month is all about brakes for your trailer. By now, you’ve probably learned more than you ever thought you needed to know about brake kit options for your trailer. ...