Dexter’s Expansion and Its Impact on the Trailer Parts Industry

Oct 27, 2023 | News

Dexter’s Expansion and Its Impact on the Trailer Parts Industry

The trailer parts industry has always been a vibrant mix of various manufacturers. Recent years, however, have shown a trend towards consolidation, notably led by Dexter Axle, a subsidiary of DexKo Global Inc.

Dexter’s Consolidated Command

Dexter’s strategic acquisitions have significantly reshaped the industry’s landscape. Some of their pivotal takeovers include:

However, this growth spurt has also introduced its set of challenges:

  1. Extended Lead Times: Dexter’s vast operations have sometimes led to extended lead times, causing inconvenience for many clients.
  2. Shift from Customization: There’s a perceivable emphasis on streamlined, standardized solutions over bespoke offerings.

Window of Opportunity for Agile Manufacturers

The transformation in the industry has carved out a niche for smaller, more nimble manufacturers. These entities offer:

  1. Rapid Response: Quicker turnarounds compared to the industry giants.
  2. Bespoke Offerings: A focus on tailored solutions catering to specific client needs.
  3. Direct Communication: Prioritizing individualized customer interactions over generic engagements.

The consolidation of Trailer owner’s favorite brands has left some customers looking for the customer experience they received before the consolidation efforts. This has left an opportunity for Axle Manufacturers such as HSI Duratek that remain independent from of the consolidation effort. Currently, Blueswift Axles only offers HSI Duratek’s product line due to its quality of product and independence from consolidation. This allows them to remain flexible for small to large orders.


Dexter’s Expansion and Its Impact on the Trailer Parts Industry

Navigating the Changing Terrain with Blueswift

As the trailer parts industry undergoes its metamorphosis, Blueswift stands out as a reliable partner. With a focus on quality, efficiency, and a keen understanding of client needs, Blueswift offers an alternative to the industry’s current trajectory. As an axle distributor we work with top products and offer the flexibility that industry giants bound by standardization struggle to provide.

For the latest in trailer parts and unmatched quality, turn to Blueswift.